Find a job in logistics by expatriating to Quebec

Find a job in logistics in Rome’expatriating to Canada

You are looking for a job in logistics, but you are facing a great competitiveness in the metropolis ? Have you considered traveling to find your dream job ? Did you know that Canada offers many advantages for French expatriates who want to find a job in logistics ?

We tell you everything in this article.

Find a job in logistics in Quebec

With a shortage of workers, Quebec is an excellent choice if you are planning to work. Particularly attractive in terms of salaries, Quebec is also a province that is constantly looking for candidates in logistics.

Because your French training and experience are recognized on the other side of the Atlantic, it is quite easy to find a job in this sector. Do not hesitate to call upon a logistics placement agency before your arrival in order to obtain an adequate work permit.

expatriation to canada

What are the different visas to work in Quebec ?

To have the right to work in Quebec, you must have a visa that allows it. They can be of two types:

  • Open: the open permit gives you the right to choose the company where you will work. You are not obliged to stay in this company to keep your visa. The PVT (vacation work permit) is an open work permit.
  • Closed: conversely, the closed work permit binds you with the company that employs you. So, if he or she decides to end your contract, it immediately breaks your visa and forces you to return home. The Young Pros or Internship visas are closed visas.

It is therefore strongly advised to study the prerequisite solutions to work elsewhere than in Europe and all the possible visas to make your choice. A study visa allows you to stay several years in Quebec. Make sure it also gives you the right to work on the side.

Why expatriate to Quebec ?

Canada is like El Dorado for French people from France who want to live abroad. There are many reasons for this:

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